I've always done it. Tested limits, pushed boundaries. And while I have used these powers for (mostly) good, I do believe that a solid chunk of my limit-testing (read: high school), may not have been my finest hour. Mom? Dad? Deb? BUEEELLLLLER???
I'm an equal opportunity limit tester - patience, deadlines, bank accounts - you name it, I'll test it. The irony, though, lies in the fact that all this "testing" is a solid chunk of my current job responsibility and academic endeavors. And I like it. See, Mom/Dad/Deb? All the hair you ripped out was NOT in vain! It was for my future career as a psychologist, and for that (among MANY other things) I am grateful. Plus, Dad, I like the "less hair" look - more refined, less wild. You're welcome.
And now, in my (hopefully) penultimate hour of "testing", I leave for a country where I know no one, know nothing, and know no language (the little Spanish I acquired growing up Cumberland County and the restaurant biz surely counts for...something?!?). Is this my ultimate test? I doubt so. I hope that life will continue to be full of boundaries to push, and limits to test...without these experiences, the sweeter ones (spent with family, good friends, good wine, and Zack) would not be nearly as sweet or meaningful.
My roustabouts bring a deeper sense of meaning and appreciation to my life, surely no more so than this current venture. I will be volunteering school psychology services (assessment, consultation, training, therapy, etc.) for elementary students with disabilities in Quito, Ecuador, through July. Personally, most inspiring is the second generation "roustaboutation" that will go on...my Mom having been in the Peace Corps in Ecuador for a number of years, and my dad -- well, he is a hard core roustabout who shared the roustabout legacy with both Genna and myself growing up - we cherish memories spent in random roadside caves and campsites with questionable supervision.
In sum, I hope this blog will connect my family, friends, and colleagues with my experiences in Ecuador - be they personal or professional, I have no doubt they will enrich me on many levels, and I thank you for your support.
“There are no such things as limits to growth, because there are no limits to the human capacity for intelligence, imagination, and wonder” -- Ronald Reagan (yeah, I know...Reag's...so what?:-p)