Saturday, July 24, 2010

7/17...Ruta del Sol, Pedrito, Salinas

The bus from Playas to Salinas got us in at a decent enough time to grab some food and a place to stay before pushing onward and upward the Ruta del Sol.

1. I love knowing that plastic tables or other flat surface, plus a chair equals a full fledged restaurant. Street food can be the best, and its even better when you stumble upon it by following your nose and the smell of garlic and fried things.

2. Driving past the colors and sounds along the coast was amazing. The hack of a machete to a coconut or fruit, the smell of Palo Santo incense, the street food stalls...

3. People here clean with Kerosene. Doing pushups on just cleaned steps is not reccomended, unless you are ISO of an early AM buzz.

4. I fell into - well, behind really - an early AM EC Coast Guard run in Salinas. That may have been my best run while here!

5. Pedrito - of ¨cockteles de pedrito¨- will live in infamy, as will the strength of his caiprihinas and house music.

Waking up early for bus number 7 or so to Bahia Carraquez ...

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